Dust Suppression Pump

In the era of technological evolution, industries are no longer confined to use the legacy methods of dust suppression. Although prevalent for decades, the new age dust suppression methods have higher precision in eliminating dust. Removal of dust and dirt is imperative for proper function machines, especially in waste dump areas and sewage plants; rather, dust control helps meet health environment and safety requirements. It aids in reducing the on-site emissions and protects the employees.

Reinvigorating the latest flicks of technology, Neron Pumps, a renowned organization providing professional pumping services, offers its wet suppression mechanism for dust control. Leveraging its ten years of industry expertise, the firm has designed an impeccable water pump named Dust Suppression Pump that aids in removing dust, especially from sewage plants or construction sites. Amongst the various dust suppression machines that Neron created for professional High-pressure washing and pressure intensifiers in the industrial field, the two eye-catching and effective pumps are —Pump Neron HWB 100 and Pump Neron HWB 8040.

A detailed analysis of the Dust Suppression Pumps

The Pump Neron HWB 100 and Pump Neron HWB 8040 are high-pressure water pumps that capacitate the hydraulic power of a work machine to produce high-pressure water power that aids in the removal of dust. These By-Pass dust suppression water pumps can selfprim up to 5mt and are made of stainless steel, anodized aluminum, special seals, and brass. They are highly adaptive to function on both oil and waterside. These are unmatched dust suppression pumps that are portable, durable, have ease of installation, and can be connected and used to eliminate dust from any position.

They render low noise and have lower vibration during operation. These cost-effective dust suppression pumps have anti-spark, Anti-electric shock, and anti-explosion features, while their oil self-lubrication enhances their longevity. These pumps have the potential to function in any abrasive climatic conditions and have minimal maintenance requirements. Furthermore, these pumps also aid in saving water costs. Another imperative feature of these dust suppression pumps is that its performance can be customized depending on the customer requirement.

The importance of Dust Suppression Pumps

Dust Suppression Pumps are highly effective for the removal of dust from any workplace.


In places of on-site construction or demolition, eliminating dust from the workplace is imperative. Under such circumstances, Dust Suppression Cannon, where the water is pressurized through a jet nozzle to form a fine mist, is indeed beneficial as it mixes with the dust and prevents it from spreading in the workplace.


In industrial plants, removal of industrial hazards is imperative for the safety of the employees. Dust Suppression pumps controlled by a computer are indeed an advanced technology that removes the waste without increasing the moisture in the plants. In such areas using cooling water or demineralized water works best.

Water Dumps and Sewage Plants

Eliminating accumulated waste and garbage can be seamlessly rendered by using a dust suppression water pump. Besides aiding in controlling dust, the dust suppression pump also helps eradicate the foul smell that occurs due to the accumulation of garbage in sewage plants.

Golf Course and Gardens

Even in big lawns, gardens, and golf courses, dust suppression water pumps not only aids in removing dust and dirt but helps the plants grow in a moist and humid climate.

Hence, from industrial belts to waste plants, construction sites, or gardens, Dust Suppression Pumps play a pivotal role. So having them handy will indeed be beneficial.

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